Instructions for authors

Contributions are accepted in Czech, Slovak or English (abstract in English is always required). The author is liable for the originality as well as the technical and formal correctness of the contribution. It is not possible to publish in the journal ACTA STING any article that has already been published in another periodical, except for contributions published at the Vysoká škola Sting, o.p.s. conference.

The editors reserve the right to reject submitted papers. Based on the peer-review process, The Editorial Board decides on the acceptance and publication of contributions. Peer reviews are arranged by the Editorial Board and authors remain anonymous throughout the process. The author will be notified regarding the result of the peer-review process and any comments forthcoming.

Texts are expected to follow the standard structure of scientific papers, i.e. introduction, literature review, methods, analysis of the problem, the solutions proposed and a discussion of their merits.

Formal requirements of contributions

  • Contributions are only accepted electronically, in MS Word format, at the address
  • Contributions should range in size between 4000 - 6000 words (approximately 10 - 15 A4 pages). The editors may decide to include contributions that differ from this size.
  • The journal is printed in greyscale; graphs and figures are only permitted provided the information they contain can be successfully conveyed in such format.
  • Regarding the formatting of contributions, all instructions are set out in the attached template.
  • For downloading: 

Closing date for accepting contributions:
no. 1/2023 - until 31. 12. 2023
no. 2/2023 - until 31. 03. 2023
no. 3/2023 - until 30. 06. 2023
no. 4/2023 - until 30. 09. 2023

Code of Ethics